Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Graduate Labor Market of The Banking Industry Of The United Essay
The Graduate Labor Market of The Banking Industry Of The United Kingdom - Essay Example cruiting fewer graduates now after a consistent increase over the past three years but it seams this trend has peaked and they are recruiting lesser numbers than was the trend before. They continue to point out that the UK’s leading graduate absorbers including the banking sector have had their intake vacancies increased by only 0.9% in the year 2012 unlike in 2011which witnessed an increase of 2.8% or 2010 which grew by 6.7%. Despite the slowdown, it is still plain to see there has been a steady increase of employment for graduates for three years in a row (King, 2012). The total number of graduates in 2011 rose but a third of all the available positions for most employers including the banking sectors; was taken by graduates that had prior association with working for the employers in question (King, 2012). This was either through sponsorships, industrial placements or vacation work. This trend meant that those that failed to secure these opportunities early ended up being l ocked out of these companies (Butcher, 2010). Big traditional banking graduate recruiters are not the only companies that graduates can work for. Smaller and medium sized banking related companies (SMEs) make up about 99% of UK businesses which is true for the banking sector as well and they offer a chance for graduates to secure employment as well. Another way out is to look for avenues where the graduates can put their skills into work for themselves and to make the most of their qualification and skills (Glen, 2007). Butcher, S 2010, ‘Yes, the Future of Banking Commission’s report is crazy, but it could be VERY good news for some jobs’. eFinancial Careers [Available Online] accessed on 25 October,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Class Matters... Short Description of a Section of the Book Essay Example for Free
Class Matters Short Description of a Section of the Book Essay Class Matters by Bell Hooks, the section â€Å"The Me-Me Class: The Young and the Ruthless†examines how the mass media influences ideas that everyone living in the united States is rich, into the minds of foreigners. This section further notes that the media makes it seem as though social and economic backgrounds have little or no influence on the world of spending because most advertisements seem to make items seems affordable and cheap to acquire. The media reveals the fantasies of life to make people think that the things shown in the media are reality, especially in the eyes of teenagers. This section notes that the media brings about the â€Å"psychological torment; envy†amongst teenagers. The way the media presents issues regarding children/students, makes it seem as though it is easier to acquire money wealth on an outward appearance. This may be done to bring about competition into society, which develops envy amongst individuals if they are unable to acquire a particular item. In this section, it states that it is easier to acquire money and goods than it is to find meaningful values and ethics. This is a really profound statement because it portrays the influence the media has had on the youth to the extent that their values and ethics don’t really have as much meaning to them as that of the money and goods the acquire. This further demonstrates the culture of the youth and how materialistic things have an impact on the way youth view today’s world. The media is indirectly educating the youth with items that seem relevant in the world rather than showcasing the importance of education. This may be the reason why many schools have decided to enforce a rule that students need to wear uniforms. This lessens the amount of items students will be competing with each other. Although the world is set up in a way that competition exists, the fact that students have the same items means that they are less likely to be envious of each other.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Importance Of Audit Evidence Accounting Essay
Importance Of Audit Evidence Accounting Essay According to Companies Act 1965 Section 174, auditor should perform the following duties, Statutory Duties. Auditor should examine and form an opinion whether the financial statements compliance the financial reporting standards of Malaysia and the Companies Act 1965. Duty to carry out audit. Auditor should examine and form an opinion whether the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Company as of the financial year end and of its financial performance and cash flows of the year end. Duty to report to appropriate management. Auditor should report the accounting and other records and the registers required by the Companies Act to be kept by the company have been properly kept in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Duty to be independent. Auditor is under a duty to exercise the appropriate standard of care to shareholders and outsiders. Duty to use reasonable care and skill. Auditor should obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatements. (2) The auditor must plan the audit so as to enable him/her to detect all misstatements. Discuss. The purpose of planning stage is plan the audit so that it will be performed in an effective manner. During the planning stage, auditor should design and perform the audit planning to detect the potential threat that may be occurred and also limited the audit risk to a lower level. Auditor will get the knowledge of the clients business, auditor able to identify the potential threat that may be occurred. The planning stage will be emphasis on the material misstatement based on the professional judgement but not absolute detect all the misstatement such as immaterial misstatement will not be concern. (3) Explain the steps to be taken by the auditor if there are reasons to believe that there are (i) errors and (ii) frauds. According to SAS 110, the auditors shall indicates that fraud or error that exist by obtaining an understanding of the nature of the event and the circumstances, and sufficient other information to evaluate the possible effect on the financial statements. If the auditors believe that the indicated fraud or error could have a material effect on the financial statements, they should perform appropriate modified or additional procedures. Where there is a significant error or fraud, the auditor should consider the necessity for a disclosure of the error or fraud in financial statements, and report to the relevance third party (management level). If adequate disclosure is not made, the necessity for a suitable disclosure in his report so called qualified audit report. (4) What is an audit engagement letter? What steps should be taken by the auditor after receiving the audit engagement letter? According to standard, audit engagement letter refers to a written contract between accounting firm and the client. Its purpose is to confirm the relationship between the client engaging the auditor and the accounting firm accepting the audit engagement and to define matters such as the objectives of the engagement, the scope of the audit, the responsibilities and duties of each party etc. The audit engagement letter has statutory binding force. After receiving audit engagement letter, there will be an interview or opening conference between engagement parties and audit firm. During the meeting, auditee is asked about the system to be reviewed available resources and other relevance resource. The auditor may be required to meet the person in charge those relevance resources. After getting the required information, auditor will perform a general overview on it and review the internal control of the auditee in order to determine the audit risk that may be occurred. (5) What are the purposes of the audit working papers? 1. To provide a basis for planning the audit. The auditor may use reference information from the previous year in order to plan this years audit, such as the evaluation of internal control, the time budget, etc. 2. To provide a record of the evidence accumulated and the results of the tests. This is the primary means of documenting that an adequate audit was performed. 3. To provide data for deciding the proper type of audit report. Data are used in determining the scope of the audit and the fairness with which the financial statements are stated. 4. To provide a basis for review by supervisors and partners. These individuals use the audit documentation to evaluate whether sufficient appropriate evidence was accumulated to justify the audit report. Audit documentation is used for several purposes, both during the audit and after the audit is completed. One of the uses is the review by more experienced personnel. A second is for planning the subsequent year audit. A third is to demonstrate that the auditor has accumulated sufficient appropriate evidence if there is a need to defend the audit at a later date. For these uses, it is important that the audit documentation provide sufficient information so that the person reviewing an audit schedule knows the name of the client, contents of the audit schedule, period covered, who prepared the audit schedule, when it was prepared, and how it ties into the rest of the audit files with an index code. (6) Describe the different types of information that are kept in the current file. Current audit file include following resources: Audit plan, report and audit programmes copies Clearance the problems and confusion during the time of audit work such as journal entries and minutes of meetings. Copies of annual records such as trade account, trial balance and profit and loss account and balance sheet Bank reconciliation statement Minutes of meetings Current financial statements Working papers supporting account Paper of calculation of tax bonus. List of lost proofs Paper regarding stock evaluation (7) State the nature and the importance of audit evidence. According to ISA, there is nine type of audit evidence which include physical examination, confirmation, documentation, analytical procedures, inquiries, scanning, recalculation, reperformance and observation. The nature of audit evidences includes invoices, contracts, and worksheets, general and subsidiary ledger and so on. Audit evidence is important as it provides the auditor with the information regarding the potential threat or weakness that may be occurred in the clients financial statements. Audit evidence is useful as it provides the auditor with some degree of competent evidential support for the expression of an audit opinion. It facilitates the completion of audit programme scheduled and undertaken. (8) According to ISA 500, what type of evidence is the auditor required to collect? According to ISA 500, auditor required to collect sufficient and appropriate audit evidence in order to draw reasonable conclusions on which to base the audit opinion. Sufficiency and appropriateness are interrelated and apply to audit evidence obtained from both tests of controls and substantive tests. Sufficiency is a measure of the quantity of evidence and it refers to sample size and items to select. Higher quality evidence results in a lower quantity of audit evidence. Appropriateness is a measure of the relevance and reliability of evidence, or the degree to which evidence can be considered believable or worthy of trust. Appropriateness relates to the audit procedures selected, including the timing of when those procedures are performed.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Concerns that Caused the Settlement of British North America :: American America History
Concerns that Caused the Settlement of British North America I believe that throughout the Colonial period, economic concerns had more to do with the settling of British North America than did religious reasons. First, according to my textbook, the British originally sponsored trips over to the New World only after other countries were profiting from their collections of goods and new trade ports. Maybe other countries in Europe had begun settling the New World for religious concerns, but definitely not Britain. The British government was more concerned with staying up with other countries in Europe in the economic race rather than trying to find religious havens for people who weren't with the majority when it came to religion, such as all the non-Anglicans. Second, proprietary organizations were into only the monetary value of North America. Organizations, such as the Virginia Company, were formed for the sole purpose of creating joint venture expeditions in hope of finding gold and silver. Yes, they may have been sympathetic towards those w ho had religious concerns, but may have only sponsored them for their own possible profit. Third, out of all the immigration to North America, the most came from slaves and indentured servants. This shows that more people came over to support the economy, rather than for religious tolerance. Slaves were then forced to accept new religions, which is opposite a reason to come over for religious concern in their original territory. They were accepted in their native land, but came over to a new one and were forced into a new religion. In conclusion, the settling of
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Respect vs. Disrespect
Respect Vs Disrespect By Osita Onyebuchi Respect vs. Disrespect Have you ever met someone who was rude to you and didn't hold you with much regard? How did you feel? Did you feel angry? What do you think respect is? How is respect earned? Respect is an important way of being kind and good to other people. We live in a society that respect is earned not given. With respect there is also an opposite side of disrespect. The definition of respect is to consider worthy of high regard. There are different forms of respect, the word respect is defined as the condition of being esteemed or honored.Disrespect, on the other hand, is defined as a lack of respect. Respect has great importance in everyday life; everyone wants to be respected. Even those who do not give respect expect to be respected by others. We may also learn that how our lives go depends every bit as much on whether we respect ourselves. The value of self-respect may be something we can take for granted, or we may discover how very important it is when our self-respect is threatened, or we lose it and have to work to regain it, or we have to struggle to develop or maintain it in a hostile environment.Some people find that finally being able to respect them is what matters most   It is acknowledged widely that there are many different kinds of respect. Respect may come in different forms, but it will still be perceived as respect. Respect in your family household is very important for a child and any other individual. For example, a child may choose to obey their parent because their parent is very strict and the child doesn’t want to get on their bad side. This form of respect could also be perceived as fear because the child is worried about how the parent will react if they choose to misbehave. Read also Twitter Case StudyThe child would also respect their parent in a way that if they were to request something, the parents will grant the favor. Another example is a police officer respecting the rights of a man they just arrested. This form of respect is leaning towards unalienable rights. The police officer have to give you the respect that you deserve even when you are the one wrong in the situation. The respect goes a long way in our legal system because it’s the foundation on how criminals should be treated. Everybody akes mistakes especially criminals so you should always resect them even if you don’t approve of what they did. We are not in the place to judge anybody regardless of what they did. Everyone’s rights are respected regardless of merit. Another example is a child respecting and looking up to a celebrity. The child is in awe and therefore respects the celebrity. Besides those three examples, there is also religion. In different religions a nd culture comes major respect. The gestures you make with one culture is different with other cultures and religions.The culture of the people of China and Africa demand respect. For example, taking off your shoes before you enter into a house is very big in China but not as big in the United States. Another example would be calling your elders â€Å"aunt†or â€Å"uncle†. In Africa that is major respect, you can’t walk into somebody house and don’t greet them by saying â€Å"aunt or uncle†, Religious tolerance does not mean one cannot express his own beliefs. It does mean that seeking to undermine or attack the religious faith and beliefs of another has always been a short road to trouble.It doesn’t matter if you dont worship the sam GOD the person next to you, just have respect for their religious beliefs. Cultures and religions are very important to people, so therefore respecting them is also very important. The last example is respe ct in the workplace. When you are at work there are so many rules you have to follow when it comes to respecting your co-workers. For example, there’s is a various amount of beautiful women at your workplace and you tend to gain interest in the person other than business relationship. I would advise not to do it due to the fact that it may come off as a form of disrespect.When it comes to building a relationship in the workplace it just doesn’t work out so try to stay away from that. Aside from respect, there is also disrespect. From being slapped by someone to being publically humiliated, disrespect is alive and well in today’s society. Just like respect, disrespect also comes in different forms. Verbal disrespect is a form of disrespect seen virtually everywhere. Raising your voice to an adult in public, using harsh words towards one another are some examples of verbal disrespect. Verbal disrespect does not always appear to be disrespect.For example, cutting s omeone off while they are speaking and lying and manipulation. When you cut somebody off when they are speaking that shows the person that you are not listening to them and don’t care about what they have to say. Many people are being verbally disrespected but do not notice it because it is not always as harsh as other forms of disrespect. Another form of disrespect is technological disrespect. Many people are disrespected and humiliated on social networks such Facebook, Twitter, and etc. But it doesn’t stop there, emailing texting, and even when talking on the phone can lead to technological disrespect.There is a lot of disrespect on the internet such as Facebook, both male and female can comment on somebody picture and say something sexual that the person would take offensive in disrespect. On twitter people can tweet something sexual and the only reason people are doing it because of fear so they hide behind a computer. Aside from technological disrespect is an even bigger issue of disrespect, physical disrespect. We’ve all heard about violence, not just in relationships but violence in general. Some examples of physical disrespect is violence in a relationship, physically hurting your children or family, or physically harming yourself.Physical disrespect is probably one of the worst forms of disrespect because it not only affects you physically but also emotionally and cognitively. One example of Physical disrespect is the bus driver incident that was over the news. A man should never put his hands on a female regardless of any circumstance. Physical abuse leaves scars that will not go away. In a relationship if you are getting physically disrespected, you should not be in the relationship than, no relationship is worth getting hit all the time. There are many variables when it comes to respect and disrespect.If you always respect a person it is likely that they will disrespect you. In this society that we live in treat others the way that you want to be treated. Respect goes a long way in life. Respect is to consider somebody that is high worthy. Everybody should be high worthy to you , just go by the guidelines provided below and you will be a respected person and also know how important it is to respect somebody else. Work Cite Page Koppelman, A. (2010). How Shall I Praise Thee? Brian Leiter on Respect for Religion. San Diego Law Review, 47(4), 961-986. Colker, J. (2012). THE DANGER OF DISRESPECT. Smart Business Chicago, 9(11), 10.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Building Sentences With Adverb Clauses
Building Sentences With Adverb Clauses Here well practice building sentences with adverb clauses. Like an adjective clause, an adverb clause is always dependent on (or subordinate to) an independent clause. Like an ordinary adverb, an adverb clause usually modifies a verb, though it can also modify an adjective, an adverb, or even the rest of the sentence in which it appears. Adverb clauses show the relationship and relative importance of ideas in our sentences. From Coordination to Subordination Consider how we might combine these two sentences: The national speed limit was repealed.Road accidents have increased sharply. One option is to coordinate the two sentences: The national speed limit was repealed, and road accidents have increased sharply. Coordination with and allows us to connect the two main clauses, but it doesnt clearly identify the relationship between the ideas in those clauses. To clarify that relationship, we may choose to change the first main clause into an adverb clause: Since the national speed limit was repealed, road accidents have increased sharply. In this version the time relationship is emphasized. By changing the first word in the adverb clause (a word called a subordinating conjunction), we can establish a different relationshipone of cause: Because the national speed limit was repealed, road accidents have increased sharply. Notice that an adverb clause, like an adjective clause, contains its own subject and predicate, but it must be subordinated to a main clause to make sense. Common Subordinating Conjunctions An adverb clause begins with a subordinating conjunctionan adverb that connects the subordinate clause to the main clause. The subordinating conjunction may indicate a relationship of cause, concession, comparison, condition, place, or time. Heres a list of the common subordinating conjunctions: Cause asbecausein order thatsinceso thatExample:Im not a vegetarian because I love animals. Im a vegetarian because I hate plants.(A. Whitney Brown) Concession and Comparison althoughasas thougheven thoughjust asthoughwhereaswhileExamples:You will find that the State is the kind of organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly, too.(John Kenneth Galbraith)It is a waste of energy to be angry with a man who behaves badly, just as it is to be angry with a car that wont go.(Bertrand Russell) Condition even ififin caseprovided thatunlessExample:If you have ever lain awake at night and repeated one word over and over, thousands and millions and hundreds of thousands of millions of times, you know the disturbing mental state you can get into.(James Thurber) Place wherewhereverExample:Read over your compositions, and wherever you meet with a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out.(Samuel Johnson) Time afteras soon asas long asbeforeoncestilltilluntilwhenwheneverwhileExample: As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)Practice in Building Sentences with Adverb Clauses These five short exercises in sentence combining will give you practice in developing sentences with adverb clauses. Follow the instructions that precede each set of sentences. After you have completed the exercise, compare your new sentences with the sample combinations on page two. Combine these two sentences by turning the second sentence into an adverb clause beginning with an appropriate subordinating conjunction of time:In a Junction City diner, a sunburned farmer comforts his squirming son.His wife sips coffee and recalls the high school prom.Combine these two sentences by turning the second sentence into an adverb clause beginning with an appropriate subordinating conjunction of place:Diane wants to live somewhere.The sun shines every day there.Combine these two sentences by turning the first sentence into an adverb clause beginning with an appropriate subordinating conjunction of concession or comparison:Work stops.Expenses run on.Combine these two sentences by turning the first sentence into an adverb clause beginning with an appropriate subordinating conjunction of condition:Youre on the right track.Youll get run over if you just sit there.Combine these two sentences by turning the first sentence into an adverb clause beginning with an appropriate subo rdinating conjunction of cause:Satchel Paige was black.He was not allowed to pitch in the major leagues until he was in his forties. After you have completed the exercise, compare your new sentences with the sample combinations below. Sample Combinations Here are sample answers to the exercise on page one: Practice in Building Sentences with Adverb Clauses. In a Junction City diner, a sunburned farmer comforts his squirming son while his wife sips coffee and recalls the high school prom.(Richard Rhodes, The Inland Ground)Diane wants to live where the sun shines every day. Even though work stops, expenses run on. Even if youre on the right track, youll get run over if you just sit there.(Will Rogers) Because Satchel Paige was black, he was not allowed to pitch in the major leagues until he was in his forties.
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