Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Zara Is A Phenomenon In The Textile Industry Marketing Essay
Zara Is A Phenomenon In The Textile Industry Marketing Essay As a result of its history and administration long time in its industry, zara is one of the biggest interior style organizations, its have a place with inditex one of biggest dissemination bunches on the planet. The organization specific plan of action is client based and incorporates the structure, assembling, circulation and offer of it items through a broad system of gathering possessed shops. Its first store highlighted low-estimated carbon copy results of mainstream, better quality apparel designs. The store end up being a triumph, and Ortega began opening more Zara stores in Spain. During the 1980s, Ortega began changing the plan, assembling and circulation procedure to lessen lead times and respond to new patterns in a faster manner, in what he called moment designs. The organization based its upgrades in the utilization of data innovations and utilizing gatherings of originators rather than people. Zaras plan of action can be separated into three essential parts: idea, abilities, and worth drivers. Zaras major idea is to look after plan, creation, and dissemination forms that will empower Zara to react rapidly to shifts in customer requests. Josã © Marã a Castellano, CEO of Inditex expressed that the style world is in consistent transition and is driven not by gracefully however by client request. We have to give customers what they need, and on the off chance that I go to South America or Asia to make garments, I basically cant move sufficiently quick. Â This features the significance of this fast reaction time to Zaras activities. Advertising is another key component in the creation of quick style. Two methodologies are as of now being utilized by organizations as market procedures; the thing that matters is the measure of monetary capital spent on commercials. While a few organizations put resources into promoting, quick style super firm Primark works with no publicizing. Primark rather puts resources into store design, shop fit and visual marketing to make a moment snare. The moment snare makes a pleasant shopping experience, bringing about the ceaseless return of clients. Research shows that seventy five percent of buyers choices are made before the apparatus inside three seconds. The elective spending of Primark likewise permits the retailer to pass the advantages of a cost sparing back to the shopper and keep up the companys value structure of delivering articles of clothing at a lower cost Production. As a rule we can say Zara's rivals are on the whole very enormous contenders that have really arrived at global markets, all beginning from spain with tremendous neighborhood circulation, that makes the market very resolute, as they evidently are doing likewise, and that clients are steady, might be a direct result of the idea of the product.(Diana)p37 Zara produces existing apart from everything else style and has built up an effective vertically incorporated organization which can configuration, make, and circulate pieces of clothing to retail locations in as meager as three weeks. Zaras target showcase is contained urban, design cognizant shoppers who shop much of the time for the most recent patterns. Â Currently under discussion is a proposed move up to the POS framework all through the Zara chain. Â With more than 950 stores, this would be a gigantic endeavor for Inditex, Zaras parent organization. The present DOS-based framework addresses the issues of the organization, and in spite of a portion of the advantages of redesigning, it is ideal to proceed with the present framework set up. (Fortune magazine) Zara gets its upper hand from an insightful utilization of data and innovation. The entirety of its stores are electronically connected to the companys central command close to La Coruna, a moderate sized city on the northwest bank of Spain. Senior supervisors screen how product is selling and transmit this data, just as client demands, to central command. The job of the senior supervisor goes path past that of Gap and HM, says Wills of Goldman Sachs. Along with pattern spotters who venture to every part of the globe looking for new style, senior supervisors ensure their planners approach ongoing data when choosing with the business group on the texture, cut, and value purposes of another piece of clothing. Continue Competitive Advantage The idea of Quick Response (QR) is utilized to make new, new items while additionally moving buyers back to the retail experience for sequential visits. Snappy reaction additionally makes it workable for new innovations to expand creation and effectiveness. The Spanish super chain Zara has gotten the worldwide model for how to diminish the time among plan and creation. This creation alternate route empowers Zara to make more than 30,000 units of item consistently to almost 1,600 stores in 58 nations. New things are conveyed two times every week to the stores, diminishing the time between starting deal and renewal. Thus, the abbreviated timeframe improves shoppers article of clothing decisions and item accessibility. The SWOT investigation method fits napkin arranging and preview bits of knowledge. To lead a SWOT examination, attract a vertical line the focal point of your napkin (or whiteboard or flipchart), met by an even line. Presently you have four quadrants where youll sketch your companys situation.(Dr. Ralph ) Web list locales are basically discount or retail request taking terminals. Zara is conveying items from handfuls or a huge number of it parent organization inditex. However, what is the item? Our own store is the item here. We are building an online brand that we expectation will speak to the sort of store where individuals can discover and buy exactly what they need. We advertise our product offerings through HTML email fliers (see, by pushing the client to the site saying, Come here, go to our store out of the various decisions on the Web. We have what youre searching for. One approach to take a gander at an online index website is as a shopping administration that enables our clients to discover what they need among their deliberately chosen assortment of best-of-class items. Custom administrations, as well, can be seen as items. One of the keys to progress was to characterize the standard item cautiously, explaining what was remembered for the standard site, and what things were viewed as additional items. in any case, a 12-page site that incorporated a solitary reaction structure, custom realistic header, foundation, menu framework, certain showcasing components, and so forth. When zara bundle its administrations into obviously characterized packs, they become an item that is obvious to the client and in this manner saleable. Companys administration bundles establish the product offering. Data items. One of the most loved destinations is ; the site that incorporates the whole Encyclopedia Britannica allowed to the guest. What an abundance of material ; an incredible case of a data item (for this situation, a free item). An online paper is another case of a data item, just as our E-Commerce Research Room ( about/). Zara has worked superbly by buying in the reference book. place Spot should connote the physical conveyance channel, getting the merchandise to the client. Truly, the Internet is either the purpose of contact or the retail location, yet the FAILURE to consider the appropriation channel fates numerous online organizations. In this issue well glance at the issues and the promoting choices that online specialists are compelled to make. Administrations are normally conveyed carefully on the web, or with the Internet used to produce leads, and the administration being conveyed face to face by a neighborhood merchant. The Eight Essential Types of Internet Promotion 1. Web indexes Numerous individuals, maybe even a larger part of individuals, will utilize web crawlers and the Yahoo! registry to discover what theyre searching for on the Web. So the spot to begin in advancement is to configuration website pages that will be recorded well by the web search tools, utilizing elucidating titles and exact META labels. 2. Connecting methodologies Connecting methodologies are a subsequent basic kind of site advancement. The more connections highlighting the site, the more traffic it will understanding (and the more prominent saw notoriety will rank Zara higher in the web indexes). Another mainstream technique is to join a flag trade. For each two flags showed on the site advancing different organizations, one of Zaras pennants will be indicated an another part site. The greatest trade is Microsoft bCentral LinkExchange. Another significant type of connecting advancement includes paying members for deals coming about because of connections to Zara site. 3. Viral techniques An undeniably significant procedure is to plan a methodology that urges others to convey Zara advertising message by means of email, utilizing their own system of connections ; and ideally their own assets. This is called viral promoting after the way infections duplicate quickly in a phone, holding the phones assets to do the viruss offering. The great model is, a free email framework. Every email message (sent by definition to a people own companions and partners) conveys a message urging the beneficiary to pursue a HotMail account, as well. Another model is postcard or welcome cards, every one of which conveys a message urging the beneficiary to send a card to a companion conveying the siteowners advertising message. In the event that zara can compose quality articles, we can offer them to others to use on their sites or in their bulletins, each article conveying a connect to Zara site. Advertising to get press inclusion is a sort of viral system, if the organization c onsider it. 4. Advertising Advertising, the assignment of getting press inclusion, is as yet a fundamental sort of site advancement. News discharge got by a few print and additionally Internet distributions its will get a gigantic lift in rush hour gridlock, just for nothing, letting the news periodicals organize convey our showcasing message. Obviously, nothings truly free. We should have a really newsworthy occasion, c
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Mindfulness Therapy as an Addiction Treatment
Mindfulness Therapy as an Addiction Treatment Addiction Coping and Recovery Methods and Support Print Mindfulness Therapy as an Addiction Treatment By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 31, 2020 Dougal Waters / Getty Images More in Addiction Coping and Recovery Methods and Support Overcoming Addiction Personal Stories Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Mindfulness is a state of mental awareness and focuses that have been traditionally used in meditation practices, and has recently become popular as an element of certain types of cognitive behavioral therapy, such as Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Dialectic Behavior Therapy. In understanding what mindfulness is, it helps to practice mindfulness yourself. When you are mindful, you are aware of both your external surroundings and your inner experience, including your own responses to what is going on around you, in the present moment. The goal of mindfulness is to become aware without becoming attached to anything you are experiencing. Although mindfulness is not difficult in itself, it requires a certain amount of self-discipline to focus only on the present moment, and not to get caught up in thoughts about the past and the future. For this reason, exercises in mindfulness can be helpful in giving a focus to mindfulness. Examples of mindfulness exercises are the raisin exercise, in which you take your time looking at, smelling, listening to, and eventually eating a raisin, and the body scan, in which you work through your entire body, just feeling the sensations of each body part. How Mindfulness Helps With Addiction You may be wondering how mindfulness can help therapeutically. You are not alone â€" the reaction of many people, when introduced to mindfulness, is Is that it? How is that going to help me quit or make me feel better? One of the most basic ways it makes people feel better is by slowing things down, so you arent rushing from one activity to another, or even one thought to another. By quieting the mental chatter, you can achieve a sense of tranquility that is often the reason people choose to use drugs such as alcohol, marijuana, and opiates. Another way that mindfulness can make you feel better is by allowing you to start to notice many wonderful sensory experiences that occur in everyday life, that we often dont notice. When you allow the beauty of the world around you to fill your consciousness, the world doesnt seem like such a bad place to be. Yu are less likely to seek out pleasure through addictive behaviors when you are enjoying life for its own sake. A third way that mindfulness can make you feel better is that it tends to help you understand your own reactions to things. By understanding your reactions without getting attached to them, you find that you can often let things go that might have provoked you in the past. People often come to new realizations about themselves and the things that trigger them to drink, use drugs, or engage in other addictive behaviors, which can make it easier to respond differently in the future. Mindfulness has been applied effectively to the treatment of addictions. One of the pioneers of the use of mindfulness in cognitive behavioral therapy, Marsha Linehan, developed a new approach to treating Borderline Personality Disorder first with women with chronic substance misuse problems. What Does Mindfulness Involve? Skills taught in mindfulness include: Observation: Paying close attention to what is going on around youDescription: Being able to say what happened and how you felt in wordsParticipation: Becoming involved in an activity without being self-conscious about itTaking a Non-Judgmental Stance: Accepting things as they are rather than judging themFocusing on One Thing in the Moment: Without distraction from other ideas or eventsEffectiveness: Doing what works rather than second-guessing yourself Mindfulness also involves recognizing when you are running on automatic pilot â€" acting without thinking about what you are doing, as well as developing an attitude of loving kindness â€" a friendly, uncritical attitude towards yourself and others. Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention A program of Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention has recently been developed, which combines cognitive-behavioral therapy approaches to preventing relapse with mindfulness practice and relapse prevention. Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention includes the following elements: Automatic pilot and relapseAwareness of triggers and cravingsMindfulness in daily life and in high-risk situationsAcceptance of whatever is happening and acting skillfullyThe role of thoughts in relapseTaking care of yourself as part of a healthy lifestyleSocial support and keeping your mindfulness practice going The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs
Thursday, May 21, 2020
How to Prove an Argument Invalid by a Counterexample
An argument is invalid if the conclusion doesnt follow necessarily from the premises. Whether or not the premises are actually true is irrelevant. So is whether or not the conclusion is true. The only question that matters is this: Is it possible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false? If this is possible, then the argument is invalid. Proving Invalidity The counterexample method is a powerful way of exposing what is wrong with an argument that is invalid. If we want to proceed methodically, there are two steps: 1) Isolate the argument form; 2) Construct an argument with the same form that is obviously invalid. This is the counterexample. Lets take an example of a bad argument. Some New Yorkers are rude.Some New Yorkers are artists.Therefore Some artists are rude. Step 1: Isolate the Argument Form This simply means replacing the key terms with letters, making sure that we do this in a consistent way. If we do this we get: Some N are RSome N are ATherefore some A are R Step 2: Create the counterexample For instance: Some animals are fish.Some animals are birds.Therefore some fish are birds This is what is called a substitution instance of the argument form laid out in Step 1. There is an infinite number of these that one could dream up. Every one of them will be invalid since the argument form is invalid. But for a counterexample to be effective, the invalidity must shine forth. That is, the truth of the premises and the falsity of the conclusion must be beyond question. Consider this substitution instance: Some men are politiciansSome men are Olympic championsTherefore some politicians are Olympic champions. The weakness of this attempted counterexample is that the conclusion isnt obviously false. It may be false right now, but one can easily imagine an Olympic champion going into politics. Isolating the argument form is like boiling an argument down to its bare bones--its logical form. When we did this above, we replaced specific terms like New Yorker with letters. Sometimes, though, the argument is revealed by using letters to replace whole sentences or sentence-like phrases. Consider this argument, for instance: If it rains on election day the Democrats will win.It wont rain on election day.Therefore the Democrats wont win. This is a perfect example of a fallacy known as affirming the antecedent. Reducing the argument to its argument form, we get: If R then DNot RTherefore not D Here, the letters dont stand for descriptive words like rude or artist. Instead, they stand for an expression like, the Democrats will win and it will rain on election day. These expressions can themselves be either true or false. But the basic method is the same. We show the argument s invalid by coming up with a substitution instance where the premises are obviously true and the conclusion is obviously false. For instance: If Obama is older than 90, then hes older than 9.Obama is not older than 90.Therefore Obama is not older than 9. The counterexample method is effective at exposing the invalidity of deductive arguments. It doesnt really work on inductive arguments since, strictly speaking, these are always invalid.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Ionic Reactions - 773 Words
Ionic Reactions Abstract This experiment is designed to study the nature of ionic reactions, and write net ionic equations for precipitation reactions, as well as to identify spectator ions, perception reactions and solubility of different compounds. Experiment and Observations In this experiment I was using a 96-well plate to add two drops of the following solutions into seven wells in rows A through E: cobalt (II) nitrate, copper (II) nitrate, iron (III) nitrate, barium nitrate, and nickel (II) nitrate. Afterward, two drops of each of sodium phosphate, sodium iodide, sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide were added to the five vertical wells under columns†¦show more content†¦This was expected because the solubility rules stated that these were all insoluble substances. I was careful to add exactly two drops of each into each well, as to keep my experimental error to a minimum. Questions: A. Compare your results with the solubility rules and/or solubility table in your chemistry text. B. Do your results agree with your expectations from the solubility rules/table? Yes, my results did agree with my expectations from the basic solubility rules. C. Which anions generally form precipitates? What are exceptions? Most hydroxides, sulfides, carbonates and phosphates form precipitates. Alkali metals, barium, silver nitrate, silver nitrite and silver perchlorate are some exceptions. D. Which anions generally do not form precipitates? What are the exceptions? All nitrate salts, alkali metals, ammonium salts, sulfates, acetates, and halides do not form precipitates. Calcium sulfate, strontium sulfate, barium sulfate, lead (II) ions, silver halide, lead (II) halide and mercury (I) ions are some exceptions. E. Which cations generally do not form precipitates? All cations in groups 1 and 2 of the periodic table generally do not form precipitates. F. Select 10 reactions that produce a precipitate, color change, or gas and write balanced chemical equation and a net ionic equation forShow MoreRelatedIonic Reactions Lab Essay1010 Words  | 5 Pages180 Lab 5: Ionic Reactions Submitted by Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to work with aqueous solutions of ionic substances. Aqueous solutions are those solutions in which water is the solvent. When ionic substances are dissolved in water, the ions separate and become surrounded by water molecules. The focus of this experiment is on precipitates. The goal of this experiment is to study the nature of ionic reactions, write balanced equations, and to write net ionic equations forRead MoreLab 8 Ionic Reactions1245 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Ocean County College Department of Chemistry Ionic Reactions Submitted by: Date Submitted: July 10, 2014 Date Performed: July 8 2014 Lab Section: Chem 181-DL2 Course Instructor: Amal Bassa Background Aqueous solutions of ionic substances will be experimented with in this Ionic Reactions lab. Aqueous solutions are solutions that water is solvent. After ionic substances dissolve in water, ions separate and become surrounded by water molecules. When these ion separateRead MoreIonic Reactions Lab Essay1068 Words  | 5 PagesCollege Department of Chemistry Ionic Reactions Submitted by Erin Walsh                                                                                                                                  Date Submitted:   July 24, 2013 Date Performed:  July 24, 2013 Lab Section: Chem-181-DL1 Course Instructor: Amal Bassa Purpose To study the nature of ionic reactions, write balanced equations, and write net ionic equations for precipitation reactions. Procedure 1. Gather appropriateRead MoreTask 1a Periodic Table Essay1503 Words  | 7 Pagesand Chlorine. Group 1 Physical properties Soft metals are sodium, lithium and potassium that are well cut with a knife. The shiny, silver colour freshly cut surface quickly to a dull grey as the metal reacts with water and oxygen in the air. The reactions are stored in oil and they are pieces of metal. The sodium is a shiny surface that discolours quickly than lithium. 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Consumer Durable Insustry Free Essays
Contents The impact of advertisement on the buying behavior with reference to the consumer durables 1. Introduction 2. Theoritical background of the study 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Consumer Durable Insustry or any similar topic only for you Order Now Advertising and advertisements 2. Advertisers 3. Advertising agencies 4. Support organization 5. Media 6. Consumers 7. Advertising as marketing tool 8. Role of advertising in modern business world 1. Industry background 1. Refrigerator industry 1. Design of the study 1. Statement of the problem 2. Need for the study 3. Operational definitions of the study 1. Sources of the data 1. Data collection instrument 2. Data processing and analysis . Outcome of the study 2. Analysis and interpretation 3. Conclusion Abstract : Theses The consumer durable industry in the past few years has seen tremendous growth. Advancements in the technology, government support and increased level of interest among the private players into the industry has given rise to the healthy competition between the various brands. Different companies are using different advertisement strategies for building and managing of brands. Advertising in electronic media and newspapers are key advertising areas in designing the advertising strategy. This study was carried out to identify the advertising strategies of different companies and to know the impact of advertisements on building and managing of brands in consumer durable industry. As there are many products that come under consumer durables, it is necessary to choose one product among them in order for market research. Hence this study was done in consumer durable industry in general and refrigerators in particular. This was research also done to identify the major influence of advertising in buying the favorite brand and to identify the impact of electronic media advertising on purchase decision. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the consumer responses on their awareness about different refrigerator brands, their media of information and impact of advertisement on their purchase decision. Three popular brands were mainly identified after conducting interviews with the consumers and these brands were used in the questionnaire for evoking the responses of the consumers. Random sampling was used to select the sample unit. The sample size was limited to 120 numbers selected from different source. The data collection involved taking responses from different people like, students, businessmen, housewives, executives etc also they belonged to different age groups and income groups. Tags: Impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior, Advertising and buying behavior, Impact of advertising in the modern business world More abstract from The impact of advertisement on the buying behavior with reference to the consumer durables [†¦ ] The aim of the study is to find out how effective advertisements are in making a consumer prefer a particular brand in the consumer durable industry. To find out the consumer reactions to advertisements and to the hypothesis, that â€Å"Advertisements in the TV and Print media has a significant impact on Consumers buying behavior with reference to consumer durables†, had to be tested. The other objectives were to verify brand recall and to generate advertising strategies for the companies. This study was explorative in design as it deals with consumer perception about advertisements and their effects on brand recall. [†¦ ] [†¦ ] OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Primary Objective: ? To understand the impact of advertisements on the Buying behavior of the consumers. To study the advertisements of the respondent companies, with reference to refrigerator. Secondary Objectives: ? To verify recall of advertisements/brands ? To analyze the justification of advertising expenditure. NEED FOR THE STUDY Gaining an understanding about the impact of advertisements on consumer’s buying behavior. REVIEW IF LITERATURE Before starti ng this study various literatures were reviewed to find out the gap that could exist between previous study and the present one. [†¦ ] [†¦ ] This shows that advertisements in magazines get the full attention of its readers. Second, magazine advertisements are good in quality in terms of printing and color. Magazines are usually printed on the good paper that makes for an excellent reproduction of art and color work. TELEVISION ADVERTISING Though the technological breakthroughs have changed the advertising media, T. V . remains to be the largest entertaining media. Television advertising, which began only in1976, takes almost a third of that share, with the press getting around sixty percent. [†¦ ] [†¦ ] There are advertisements that are persuasive only with no fact and figure. There are advertisements that are informative only, but not appealing much. Mostly advertisements should fall between these two extremes. Advertisements for specialties like medicine s might be totally informative persuasive advertisements generally put on TV. Informative advertisements appear in magazines and weekend supplements of newspaper. They are put in more durable media. Some informative advertisements create a mood favorable towards a product. One more version of informative advertisements, is to present it as editorial matter, in distinguishable from the real editorial matter. [†¦ ] [†¦ Different people react to different advertisements in various ways at different times. Today, we are exposed to a large number of commercial messages than at any time in the past. Not only has the quantity of advertisements increased, even the quality of advertisements has improved very considerably over the past couple of years. Advertising as Marketing Tool Advertising is the com munication link between the sellers and the buyer or the consumer. It does not simply provide information about the products and services, but also attempts at influencing people to action by on overt appeal to reason or emotion. [†¦ ] How to cite Consumer Durable Insustry, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
Romanticism free essay sample
This paper takes a detailed look at the Romantic era through the works of various authors including Wordsworth, Blake, and Shelly. This paper is a comparison of the Romantic Era and the Neoclassical Age. The romantics looked into their souls, and their hearts for what moved them to write. Unlike the previous period which was very analytical, and unemotional, the Romantic era created a radical change in poetic style and mentality. The Romantic era also saw the return of the sonnet and the ballad. From the paper: Romantic poetry was first and foremost written to play on a man or woman?s emotions; everything else performed a secondary function. Nature and children no longer played small parts in Romantic literature, but were often found as the central point to a poem. Romanticism is interesting because not only does it base its views on historical values, but also because it is radically different to the previous Age of Enlightenment. We will write a custom essay sample on Romanticism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The two are completely opposite to one another, sharing no values or points of view.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Free Essays on Art
The Arts play a large role in the expression of inner thoughts and beauty in my life. From dance and music to abstract art our concept of life is shown through the various ways in which we interpret it. We use the Arts as a means of touching that part of us that we cannot reach with Physical Science, Social Science, or any of the Humanities. The arts allow us to be as specific or as abstract as we please. It helps us become closer to ourselves and to others around us. Though there has been a lot of confusion as to what the true definition of â€Å"good art†is, how we show others what is going on in our minds and inner souls cannot be judged, graded, criticized or revised by anyone other than ourselves. The arts play a valued role in creating cultures and developing and documenting civilizations. The arts teach us how to communicate through creative expression. Show us how to understand human experiences, past and present. Prepare us to adapt to and respect the ways others think, work, and express themselves. Music, singing, dancing, poetry, and sketching are just a few of the different forms of art that I use to express myself in a way that I enjoy. Because each art discipline appeals to different senses and expresses itself through different media, each adds a special richness to the learning environment. Arts help people Learn to identify, appreciate, and participate in the traditional and non-traditional art forms of their own communities and the communities of others. Art teaches us how to be imaginative, creative, and reflective. Different art forms help us develop the verbal and nonverbal abilities necessary for lifelong learning. The intellectual demands of the arts help us develop problem-solving abilities and such powerful thinking skills as analyzing and evaluating. Numerous studies point toward a consistent and positive comparison between concrete education in the arts and student achievement in other subjects. A progr... Free Essays on Art Free Essays on Art Sexual correctness is a dogma that permits no dissent. Gender feminists have no scruples about silencing and dismissing the voices of women who disagree. Thusthough individualist feminism is a rich tradition with deep roots in American historyit is virtually ignored. This bibliographic essay is a pioneering step toward reclaiming an aspect of feminist history that the orthodoxy would rather remain in the dustbin. Today, the majority of American women feel alienated from forms of feminism that do not address their daily needs. One can understand their disillusionment. American feminism has forgotten its roots and has taken a disastrous turn away from the true interests of women. It is time to rediscover the rich and distinctly American tradition of individualist feminism: a tradition based on the principles of self-ownership and equal treatment under just laws. Although the American tradition draws heavily upon British classical liberalismespecially the work of British feminist Mary WollstonecraftAmerican women organized around issues that were uniquely their own, such as Puritanism, the American Revolution and slavery. As an organized and self-conscious movement, American feminism arose during the 1830's. Prior to this, women who made a stand for their own conscience against authority did so as individuals. Anne Marbury Hutchinson (1591-1643) led the first organized attack on the Puritan orthodoxy of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, thus evoking the sexual equality practiced by some European Protestant sects. The Antinomian Controvery 1636-1638: A Documentary History (1968; Durham: Duke University Press, 1990), edited by David D. Hall is an excellent collection of contemporaneous documents surrounding Hutchinson's trial and banishment. Selma R. Williams' Divine Rebel: The Life of Anne Marbury Hutchinson (N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart & Wilson, 1981) provides good biographical background. Abigail Adams (1744-1818), wife of John Adams,... Free Essays on Art The Arts play a large role in the expression of inner thoughts and beauty in my life. From dance and music to abstract art our concept of life is shown through the various ways in which we interpret it. We use the Arts as a means of touching that part of us that we cannot reach with Physical Science, Social Science, or any of the Humanities. The arts allow us to be as specific or as abstract as we please. It helps us become closer to ourselves and to others around us. Though there has been a lot of confusion as to what the true definition of â€Å"good art†is, how we show others what is going on in our minds and inner souls cannot be judged, graded, criticized or revised by anyone other than ourselves. The arts play a valued role in creating cultures and developing and documenting civilizations. The arts teach us how to communicate through creative expression. Show us how to understand human experiences, past and present. Prepare us to adapt to and respect the ways others think, work, and express themselves. Music, singing, dancing, poetry, and sketching are just a few of the different forms of art that I use to express myself in a way that I enjoy. Because each art discipline appeals to different senses and expresses itself through different media, each adds a special richness to the learning environment. Arts help people Learn to identify, appreciate, and participate in the traditional and non-traditional art forms of their own communities and the communities of others. Art teaches us how to be imaginative, creative, and reflective. Different art forms help us develop the verbal and nonverbal abilities necessary for lifelong learning. The intellectual demands of the arts help us develop problem-solving abilities and such powerful thinking skills as analyzing and evaluating. Numerous studies point toward a consistent and positive comparison between concrete education in the arts and student achievement in other subjects. A progr... Free Essays on Art The Arts play a large role in the expression of inner thoughts and beauty in my life. From dance and music to abstract art our concept of life is shown through the various ways in which we interpret it. We use the Arts as a means of touching that part of us that we cannot reach with Physical Science, Social Science, or any of the Humanities. The arts allow us to be as specific or as abstract as we please. It helps us become closer to ourselves and to others around us. Though there has been a lot of confusion as to what the true definition of â€Å"good art†is, how we show others what is going on in our minds and inner souls cannot be judged, graded, criticized or revised by anyone other than ourselves. The arts play a valued role in creating cultures and developing and documenting civilizations. The arts teach us how to communicate through creative expression. Show us how to understand human experiences, past and present. Prepare us to adapt to and respect the ways others think, work, and express themselves. Music, singing, dancing, poetry, and sketching are just a few of the different forms of art that I use to express myself in a way that I enjoy. Because each art discipline appeals to different senses and expresses itself through different media, each adds a special richness to the learning environment. Arts help people Learn to identify, appreciate, and participate in the traditional and non-traditional art forms of their own communities and the communities of others. Art teaches us how to be imaginative, creative, and reflective. Different art forms help us develop the verbal and nonverbal abilities necessary for lifelong learning. The intellectual demands of the arts help us develop problem-solving abilities and such powerful thinking skills as analyzing and evaluating. Numerous studies point toward a consistent and positive comparison between concrete education in the arts and student achievement in other subjects. A progr... Free Essays on Art Art The Arts play a large role in the expression of inner thoughts and beauty in my life. From dance and music to abstract art our concept of life is shown through the various ways in which we interpret it. We use the Arts as a means of touching that part of us that we cannot reach with Physical Science, Social Science, or any of the Humanities. The arts allow us to be as specific or as abstract as we please. It helps us become closer to ourselves and to others around us. Though there has been a lot of confusion as to what the true definition of â€Å"good art†is, how we show others what is going on in our minds and inner souls cannot be judged, graded, criticized or revised by anyone other than ourselves. The arts play a valued role in creating cultures and developing and documenting civilizations. The arts teach us how to communicate through creative expression. Show us how to understand human experiences, past and present. Prepare us to adapt to and respect the ways others think, work, and express themselves. Music, singing, dancing, poetry, and sketching are just a few of the different forms of art that I use to express myself in a way that I enjoy. Because each art discipline appeals to different senses and expresses itself through different media, each adds a special richness to the learning environment. Arts help people Learn to identify, appreciate, and participate in the traditional and non-traditional art forms of their own communities and the communities of others. Art teaches us how to be imaginative, creative, and reflective. Different art forms help us develop the verbal and nonverbal abilities necessary for lifelong learning. The intellectual demands of the arts help us develop problem-solving abilities and such powerful thinking skills as analyzing and evaluating. Numerous studies point toward a consistent and positive comparison between concrete education in the arts and student achievement in other subjects.... Free Essays on Art Since I was young I have had the pleasure of going to many different art rich environments. I have been able to experience different cuisines, theatre, movies, and art. For this I have my parents to thank, if not for them then I would not understand the world as I do now. It pleases me to know that I have seen things that many have not, or did not get to see. Among the many places, I have had the chance to visit The Walker Art Center, Art Institute, and the Uptown Art Fair. My stepfather also used to own a store called Glass Spectacle in downtown Stillwater where he sold many different types of blown glass and stained glass windows. He also made some of the stained glass windows, and used to be a wedding photographer. I have had a wonderful art full life so far, but not until my visit to Boston this August did I have a chance to take all the art experience and things I have learned in art classes, and use them when looking at art. That trip to Boston was the most amazing art experience to date in my life. This is because it was not just the museums and the art within them, but throughout the city with sculptures and architecture. I went to a few museums while visiting my brother and have to say they were breathtaking, I felt this sense of aw while walking through them. I do want to talk about two of the museums I went to, but I might not get to the second one and other miscellaneous things I saw while walking around the city. The museum and exhibit I want to focus on brings me back to art with glass. The last museum I had the chance of visiting while on my journey was the Harvard Museum of Natural History. Now this obviously is not like your typical art museum, but there happens to be a most breathtaking and exhibit work that I have ever seen. The exhibit is the Ware collection of Blaschka Glass Models of Plants. I had no idea what to expect going into the gallery, but I knew what I was going to see, flowers blown out of glass. Wh... Free Essays on Art David does a great job at directing the viewer’s eyes where he wants. Upon first looking at Gerard David’s lamentation (or as stated in the syllabus his deposition) the viewers eyes are directed towards St. John then to Christ himself. The main emphasis of the painting is the lamentation of Christ. The lamentation is emphasized by placing the characters in the fore ground in the center of the painting. The composition of the painting allows the viewer to see the whole painting while focusing on Christ’s lamentation. David made the painting so the viewer will see the background and the foreground as one then drawing the viewer’s attention to the foreground where St. John, Mary and Christ are. There are a few objects that are fascinating or attractive. One of the objects is the white lily in the foreground with a yellow flower. Another thing that attracts the eyes is the circular object to the left of the lamentation, which looks like the thorny crown Christ wore. There are also the nails that held Christ to the cross and the tools used to pull out the nails. Some objects are puzzling like the city in the background most likely Jerusalem or the heavenly Jerusalem. This is a huge beautiful city coming out of the hills behind St. John. Another is Joseph of Arimathea wearing a turban and exotic clothing. Joseph of Arimathea clothing is the only clothing of that style in the painting. There are many first responses to David’s painting discussed in the first paragraph. How David promotes these responses is shown throw the space, placement of the viewer, light, color, line and shape, and the composition. For example, David provides much depth in his painting. He illustrates an illusionistic 3-D boundless space. He does this by having objects (like the cross) leave the picture plane. He has characters touching, with some in front of others and some behind others. He places the city of Jerusalem behind the main sce... Free Essays on Art Gothic Sculpture In the Gothic period, remarkable sculpture was produced in France, Germany, and Italy. As in Romanesque times, much of it was made in conjunction with church architecture, although sculptured figures are also found on tombs, pulpits, and other church furnishings. France The great cathedral at Chartres exemplifies the stylistic evolution of the Gothic, which can be traced in viewing its portals. Its west entrance, the earliest, built in the mid-12th century, displays rigid, columnar figures with schematic drapery and similar, almost undifferentiated facial expressions; the later portals, on the north and south transepts, show greater differentiation of personality and costume, and even convey movement by means of a Gothic S-curve given to the axis of the body. Chartres Cathedral's sculpture, in addition, is a virtual encyclopedia of medieval knowledge; beyond the biblical narratives and depictions of various saints, one finds astrology, the labors of the months, the l iberal arts, and the virtues and vices portrayed. Many French Gothic cathedrals have similar sculptural programs, and, as at Chartres, the sculptors' names are unknown. By contrast, the name of a Flemish sculptor who worked in Dijon for the duke of Burgundy is known: Claus Sluter. Among his works the polychromed stone Well of Moses (1395-1403, Chartreuse de Champmol, Dijon, France), showing Moses and several other prophets, is unique for its capture of realistic details of anatomy, clothing textures, and distinct personalities. Also known is the name of one of the first women sculptors to be encountered in the history of Western art-Sabina von Steinbach-who assisted her father, the builder of Strasbourg Cathedral. She was responsible for the statues personifying the Church and the Synagogue (both 13th cent.), which are located near the south portals of the cathedral. Germany In Germany, Gothic sculpture frequently shows an emotional intensity and characteris... Free Essays on Art Abstract Art Abstract Expressionism is a form of art (mainly painting) that developed after one of the most difficult periods in human history. This period began during the great depression in the 1930's and ended with the end of World War II in 1945. When the war ended, Germany, Italy and Japan had been defeated and much of Europe and Japan were in ruins. The human loss in the Nazi concentration camps had been exposed in all of its horror and the United States had dropped atomic bombs on two Japanese cities, unleashing destructive power of an unprecedented nature. All of this, of course brought about a worldwide examination of basic human values and ethics and a period of dramatic change in art. Although both the Great Depression and World War II were great disasters, these events were important in forcing a number of the European avant-garde artists to flee Europe for the safety of the United States, where they influenced many younger American artists. It is difficult to know exactly how much this migration affected American art, but part of its impact was that for the first time, American artists became internationally recognized for their new vision and a new artistic vocabulary, all of which soon became known as Abstract Expressionism. These artists, like others earlier in the century, began to express their feelings and thoughts in abstract form. However, the difference here was that they expressed these abstract ideas and feelings with an energy that had never been seen before as they tried to find a means of putting their excitement, inner feelings and even torment into a concrete form. They also took artistic license to an extreme that had never been seen before; and in doing so, they redefined what could be considered art and artistic process.... Free Essays on Art The Arts play a large role in the expression of inner thoughts and beauty in my life. From dance and music to abstract art our concept of life is shown through the various ways in which we interpret it. We use the Arts as a means of touching that part of us that we cannot reach with Physical Science, Social Science, or any of the Humanities. The arts allow us to be as specific or as abstract as we please. It helps us become closer to ourselves and to others around us. Though there has been a lot of confusion as to what the true definition of â€Å"good art†is, how we show others what is going on in our minds and inner souls cannot be judged, graded, criticized or revised by anyone other than ourselves. The arts play a valued role in creating cultures and developing and documenting civilizations. The arts teach us how to communicate through creative expression. Show us how to understand human experiences, past and present. Prepare us to adapt to and respect the ways others thi nk, work, and express themselves. Music, singing, dancing, poetry, and sketching are just a few of the different forms of art that I use to express myself in a way that I enjoy. Because each art discipline appeals to different senses and expresses itself through different media, each adds a special richness to the learning environment. Arts help people Learn to identify, appreciate, and participate in the traditional and non-traditional art forms of their own communities and the communities of others. Art teaches us how to be imaginative, creative, and reflective. Different art forms help us develop the verbal and nonverbal abilities necessary for lifelong learning. The intellectual demands of the arts help us develop problem-solving abilities and such powerful thinking skills as analyzing and evaluating. Numerous studies point toward a consistent and positive comparison between concrete education in the arts and student achievement in other subjects. A program in a... Free Essays on Art â€Å"From music and dance to painting and sculpting, the arts allow us to explore new worlds and to view life from another perspective†(Bush) Visiting The Schneider Museum of Art of Southern Oregon University is a very valuable activity for SOU students. â€Å"Art exhibitions are made to inspire, challenge, provide enjoyment and deepen the understanding of human emotion.†( Faulkner) The Schneider Museum of Art with its many exhibits allow the students and community of Ashland and surrounding areas a way to experience something that they do not get to see on a daily bases. The arts play a valued role in education. They allow us to create, develop and documenting feelings and events. The arts teach us how to communicate through creative expression. Art shows us how to understand human experiences, past and present. Prepare us to adapt to and respect the ways others think, work, and express them. Art plays a large role in the expression of intimate thoughts. From music to abstract art our concept of life is shown through the various ways in which we interpret things. The arts are used as a means of touching the part of us that we cannot reach with science. The arts allow us to be as specific or as abstract as we please. It helps us become closer to ourselves and to others around us. Though there has been a lot of confusion as to what the true definition of â€Å"good art†is, for example â€Å"Good Art is when the viewer leaves the exhibition that they have some kind of feeling or emotion about the art that they just have seen.†(Faulkner) or â€Å"Art appeals to human emotions. It can arouse aesthetic or moral feelings, and can be understood as a way of communicating these feelings. †¦. Art both explores human emotions and ways to arouse them - the good art brings something new and original in either of these two respects â€Å"(Wikipedia) Because each art discipline appeals to different senses and expresses itself through differ... Free Essays on Art Imagine standing on a stage, overlooking 70 tiered rows in what is possibly the most beautiful amphitheater in the world. As Dave Matthews and his fellow band mates walk on stage, the crowd cheers wildly. You are at Red Rocks and the scene is set for the Dave Matthews Band. Red Rocks Amphitheater is located in Morrison, Colorado, 15 miles west of Denver. It provides seating for 9600, and has some of the best acoustics found anywhere on Earth. Since 1941 it has been home to many concerts and performers and is the perfect backdrop for a live performance. Recorded on August 15, 1995, "Live At Red Rocks 8.15.95" was created at the height of the band’s musical talent and at the bottom step of their climb to fame. It was shows like this that left fans mesmerized by the funky, jazz-infused riffs that the band played. It is this kind of energetic and intimate live music that keeps the fans coming back. The members of the Dave Matthews Band (or DMB for short) are each very unique, espe cially in the instruments that they play. This is what makes the band and its music really work. Dave Matthews provides lead vocals and acoustic guitar, Boyd Tinsley plays the violin, Stefan Lessard is on bass guitar, Leroi Moore blows the woodwinds, and Carter Beauford plays the drums. Matthews is a very talented musician. He provides very unique singing styles and an abstract, awkward ability to play the guitar. Tinsley plays the violin like no other. It is odd to find a band with a violin, but his talent forces it to work. Lessard, who joined the band when he was only 16, provides funky bass lines that fill in the empty spots. Leroi Moore plays flute, saxophone, and clarinet which mixed with modern instruments, create an odd combination of sounds, finally Carter Beauford, known for his excellent improvisational skills and perfect fill-in’s, lights up the drums with a talent that few have. These five musicians joined together on the night of August 15, 1995, ...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Chemistry Abbreviations Starting With the Letter L
Chemistry Abbreviations Starting With the Letter L Chemistry abbreviations and acronyms are common in all fields of science. This collection offers common abbreviations and acronyms beginning with the letter L used in chemistry and chemical engineering. List of Abbreviations Starting With the Letter L l - angular momentum quantum numberL or l - lengthL- - LevorotatoryL - literl - liquidLa - LanthanumLA - Linoleic AcidLA - Lactic AcidLA - Lewis Acid LAE - Lyman Alpha EmitterLAB - Linear Alkyl BenzeneLASER - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of RadiationLB - Lewis Baselb - poundLBNL - Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryLC - Liquid CooledLC - Liquid ChromatographyLC - Liquid CrystalLC-MS Liquid Chromotography with Mass SpectroscopyLCB - Long Chain BaseLCP - Le Chateliers PrincipleLCS - Laboratory Control SampleLD - Lethal DoseLD50 - Lethal Dose- 50%LDF - London Dispersion ForceLDP - Low Density PolyethyleneLEOGER - Losing Electron Oxidation/Gaining Electron ReductionLEP - Large Electron-Positron colliderLF - Low FrequencyLFL - Lower Flammable LimitLG - Leaving GroupLGB - Lotte Gas BoilerLH - Low HeatLH - Light HydrocarbonLH2 - Liquid HydrogenLHC - Large Hadron ColliderLHH - Light, Heat, HumidityLi - LithiumLIBS - Laser Induced Breakdown SpectroscopyLiP - Lithium Polymer ba tteryLiq - LiquidLLD - Liquid Level DetectionLLE - Liquid-Liquid EquilibriumLLNL - Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryLMA - Low Moisture AbsorptionLME - Liquid Metal EmbritlementLMH - Liquid HydrogenLN - Liquid Nitrogenln - natural logarithmLNG - Liquid Natural GasLO - Localized OrbitalsLOD - Loss On DryingLOQ - Limit Of QuantificationLOX - Liquid OxygenLP - Liquid PetroleumLP - Liquid PropaneLPA - Liquid Pressure AmplifierLPG - Liquid Petroleum GasLq - LiquidLqd - LiquidLr - LawrenciumLSE - Low Surface EnergyLSD - Lysergic Acid DiethylamideLT - Less ThanLt - lightLT - Low TemperatureLTE - Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium LTG - Liquid To GasLTOEL - Long Term Occupational Exposure LimitLu - LutetiumLUMO - Lowest Unoccupied Molecular OrbitalLV - Low VolatilityLVS - Large Volume SamplerLw - Lawrencium (Changed to Lr)LWC - Light Water ContentLWG - Liquid Water in Grams
Friday, February 14, 2020
The Cold War was inevitable Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Cold War was inevitable - Research Paper Example The reason behind these contending forms of history is that one or other political pioneer was answerable for the incredible ideological crash that overwhelmed the second portion of the 20th c. I oppose this idea. I accept that the Cold War was the practically inexorable spin-off of World War II2. As long as they were both battling Nazi Germany, the U.SA and the U.S.S.R had motivation to save their organization together and paper over any differences. When their regular foe was vanquished, and Americans and Russians met one another in the heart of Europe, their political and financial investment wandered pointedly. Fellowship turned to contention in barely a second3. With his curved, however, infrequently splendid handle of authentic strengths, Adolf Hitler took care of business when he finished up in April 1945 that the annihilation of the Third Reich might leave "just two extraordinary Forces fit for facing one another - the United States and Soviet Russia." He happened to anticipate "the laws of both history and topography will constrain these two Forces to a trial of quality, either military or in the fields of money making concerns and philosophy."4 Basically, all the watershed occasions of the early Cold War could be followed once again to the 6th period that spread over the Yalta meeting, the demise of Franklin Roosevelt, World War II end , the crumbling of the opposition to Hitler cooperation, and the dawning of the nuclear age. The Czechoslovak overthrow emulated an example secured an example built in Romania in the weeks promptly taking after Yalta, with the Moscow-sponsored Communists utilizing their control over the security strengths to seize complete force. Trumans backing for professional Western governments in Greece and Turkey in 1947 took after coherently from his prior imperviousness to Soviet arrangements to obtain army installations along the Dardanelles and in the Mediterranean. The 1948-1949 Berlin bar had its
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Middle East History 5 questions Research Proposal
Middle East History 5 questions - Research Proposal Example The Palestinian community has also recently been fractured by the Fatah/Hamas split, adding a new and potentially explosive dynamic to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Despite decades of attempts at resolving this conflict, the protagonists are at an impasse and without a resolution in sight. The Arab-Israeli conflict remains one of the most enduring and complex disputes of modern times. The origins of the dispute between Israelis and Palestinians are important today because two key issues between the warring parties remain largely unchanged since the late ninetieth century. For more than one hundred years these two fundamental issues have driven, contributed to, and exacerbated the protracted nature of this conflict. The first major issue is territorial and the question of land. At its very core, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a conflict over land; a tiny sliver of land, semi arid and dry, bordering the Mediterranean Sea and roughly the size of New Jersey (Central Intelligence Agency 2008). The second major issue is the juxtaposition of Israeli and Palestinian identities; competing nationalisms which were at odds decades before the establishment of the modern state of Israel. It is these two core issues, disputed land and competing nationalisms, which are fundament al to the conflict and which must be tackled with vigor if one seeks to resolve the crisis. Any solution aimed at resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict must address the issues of land, competing nationalisms (a Palestinian state must be established), the status of Jerusalem must be resolved and Israel must be guaranteed an existence of peace and security. Only when each of these highly complex issues is addressed will we see a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict (Gelvin 2005). The origins of US involvement in the Middle East predate the Second World War and go as far back as the Paris Peace Accords and Treaty of Versailles in 1919, following the
Friday, January 24, 2020
Huck?s Moral Lessons And His Changing Attitude Toward Jim :: essays research papers fc
In many ways, to understand the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, the reader must also know a little about the author. Mark Twain was one of the many pen names of Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He was born in 1835 and grew up in the Mississippi River town of Hannibal, Missouri. Twain is considered the father of modern American literature, primarily because of this novel. Numerous schools have banned this novel from their reading lists because they believe it to be racist. The ironic part of this is that Clemens was an abolitionist. He hoped that people would understand and be able to see the unfairness and horrors of slavery by reading his book and seeing what slavery does to people. This book is set in the year 1852 in the south. It is a coming of age novel about an adolescent boy named Huckleberry Finn. In this early stage of his life, Huckleberry is taught many of life’s lessons that will help him deal with events that may occur later on in his life. Huck fakes his death in order to run away from his alcoholic father and his caretaker, Mrs. Watson, and also to escape from being â€Å"sivilized†. While floating down the Mississippi River, he meets Jim, the runaway slave who is owned by Mrs. Watson. His life begins to change when he is faced with many moral struggles along the way. He has to fight against society’s views, which conflict with his views. One of the most significant moral struggles that confronts him is the issue of slavery. Throughout the novel, Huck Finn becomes more self-reliant and mature. He begins to understand the evil in slavery and he realizes that he must follow his own conscience in his actions towards Jim. Even at the beginning of the novel, before Huck has gotten a chance to explore what he believes is right, Huck has grown tired of dealing with society and what society thinks is right and civilized. He says, "The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me...I got into my old rags and my sugar hogshead again, and was free and satisfied (1)." Huck prefers living free and being able to think what he wants, rather than being â€Å"sivilized.†When Huck escapes from society, he runs into Jim at Jackson Island and is very happy to see him.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Social Reflections of Slumdog Millionaire Essay
In the dramatis personae system in India. there is really small room for societal motion. It is really difficult for person born in a lower caste to travel up to a higher caste and get away the slums. Even if person who is born hapless plants hard and becomes monetarily affluent. they will still non be accepted by a higher caste. They may hold money but they will be populating in the same country with the same people as he or she has had to make their whole life. The increasing popularity of an American telecasting show in India. as portrayed in Slumdog Millionaire. is consistent with more and more citizens valuing pecuniary wealth over all else. It besides shows that the population doesn’t want to hold to work hard for their money. They want easy. fast money that involves really small attempt. Hence the popularity of the telecasting show. Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Not merely does a show like this promote pecuniary values over life experience and difficult work. but it besides makes Heroes out of people merely for going affluent. Many Indians were glued to their Television sets as they watched Jamal. a immature adult male from the Slums. drama to win six million rupees. They turned Jamal into a hero. merely for being affluent. They cheered him on as it is announced that he has won. non even cognizant that the money ne'er mattered to Jamal. He valued something much more cherished than physical wealth. He valued his life experience. hard-work and love above everything else. Society now yearss cheers person who did non hold to work for their money over person who has worked hard for what they have.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Definition Essay - The Meaning of Love - 824 Words
The Meaning of Love One can love a sister, a brother, a mother, a father, grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins and friends, strangers, pets, the sunlight on a warm evening, reflecting through a prism, held by fishing line stuck to a little suction cup to a dusty window. You can love food from cake to roast beef, even those tiny individual candy bars that are never enough but just give you a taste of chocolate before you pop in the second one. One is able to love the feeling of carpet between toes or the tension in a hammocks string when you lay in that u position swinging delightfully with each motion of your body. We can declare love for sounds coming from a stereo, love for that particular sound wave in coordination with other†¦show more content†¦When there are so many experiences yet to happen, an infinite amount, or if not infinite, at the very least high enough that no one should ever have to worry about nothing new happening in his or her life. We can declare instant love upon sight o f another person, upon hearing a brand new song, upon seeing a new collection of pixels upon a computer screen. And so many are interested in making love, loving that lustful feeling, that connection with another persons soul, the grunting, sweaty, eye-squinting experience, or maybe just the arms of the other wrapped around the body to feel that persons heart beating next to that vein in the neck that beats and caused suddenly his/her heart leapt into their throat, or some such saying. Love is also the feeling someone has for a job perhaps, for a lobby of the hotel you serve in that always smells just so and has plants hanging from the wall giving the illusion you had just stepped out of a dreary gray, salt-encrusted winter into a touch of the exotic. Or for a hobby, for the grip of a ball, the tension in a muscle, the throw, watching it spin just so to the exact right spot. For rolling a die and dreaming up daring adventures against ancient dragons, or of that risk of gaining or losing it all. For the whoosh of air in free fall from 10,000 feet, or the watery embrace of sea exploring. For healing a sick child, for holding a kite string as it plays upon a wind weve no control over. ForShow MoreRelatedEnglish Segment 1 Study Guide1694 Words  | 7 PagesSegment 1 Guided Note-taking  Sheet I.Laughter Pun a. Definition Play in words b. Example Writing with a broken pencil is pointless Malapropism a. Definition misusing words ridiculously b. Example Listen to the blabbing brook Understatement a. Definition A figure of speech making a statement less or more important than it really is. b. Example Its sprinkling outside when its actually poring rain. Oxymoron a. Definition Words that conflict each other b. Example Chewy likeRead More Gays Have a Right to Marry Essay779 Words  | 4 Pagesmarried. 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